The Earth was created in six days, by word of God. Or so they say…then, what if no language were conceived and that God had no words to utter? Would then be no world to suffer the plight of humankind? Or is this just a scheme to test the extent of the innovative mindless destructive impulse we call intelligence?
iNsCissorS return with their 5th full length album “The Wordless God II (And Other Cinematic Rituals)”. This time Vincent Andelmoth’s cinematic ambient approach is alchemically merged with ethnic and ritual elements to create the core sonic output of this endeavor where the ever stunning and imposing presence of Aima Lichtblau with her unique chants, choirs and lamentations form the ceremonial rites to invoke “The Wordless God”…a god who relies on a combinations of sounds it cannot utter of comprehend in order to create a vast terrain of woe over bleached bones of discarded dreams never dreamt.
John Santerineross with his unique and characteristic neo/black symbolistic visions has once again given shape to the album’s artwork which has been then adapted to the concept by Vincent Andelmoth.
Invoked apparitions appearing as special guests to The Wordless God II and complete the ceremony , respectfully are : Angel Wolf Black (Vocals/Choirs), Evor Ameisie (Vocals/Chants) and Andreas Ntroulias (Additional Guitars). Last but not least, Peter Bjärgö has taken care of the album’s mastering to then be unleashed to the world on August the 28th of 2024 under the wings of F.Y.C. Records in digital format and 6-panel DigiCD limited to 200 copies with handnumbered OBI strip, 8-page booklet and stickers, where the first 15 copies come as a Limited Edition in a sackcloth bag with a handmade crochet Baphomet, OBI strip, stickers and certificate of Authenticity.

Limited hand numbered Digi CD Format to 200 copies / 15 Limited Box Sets

50 Black T-Shirts with artwork in front, sleeve and embroidered FYCR Cat. Number on left sleeve / 30 Black Tank-Tops with artwork in front, back and embroidered FYCR Cat. Number